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Tokyo, September 6, 2019 | 3 contemporary Mexican visionsA meeting with three Mexican photographers: Alantl Molina, Ulises Castellanos and Joel Castel, at the Mexican Space of the Mexican Embassy in Japan. | Conversaciones en el auto de una mujer. (2018, Mexico). Directed by Ashuni Serrano. |
PsicologÃa animal (2017, Ecuador). Directed by Valeria GarcÃa-Vázquez. | Sombras son la gente (2002, Panama). Directed by Yadira Rojas. | Mi familia es huapanguera (In production, 2020, Mexico. Directed by Mauricio Frenk. |
Dødelighet 2.1 (Mortality 2.1, 2019, Norway). Directed by Christa Cristobal. | Nosotros somos esa isla (2017, Dominican Republic). Directed by Carilda Magallanes. | Noche de reyes (2005, Colombia). Directed by Edson Arias. |
Una historia de silencios (1989, Argentina). Directed by Rodolfo MartÃnez. | Sorgenti calde (Spring Waters, 2002, Albania). Directed by Grecia Hansen. | Lourdes (2005, Mexico). Directed by Lourdes Belmonte. |
Liborio (2001, Puerto Rico). Directed by Manuel Levin. | La casa que quise ser (2003, Japan). Directed by Michiko Yasuhara. | Recordar y recordar (1992, Uruguay). Directed by Pablo Rocandio and Cayetano Ferreira. |
Simetry (Symmetri, 2013, Dinamarca). Directed by Inge-Lise Lund. | Neon (2018, Germany). Directed by Jae-kuk Kyoun. | La tarde de ese sábado (2011, Malta). Directed by Turena Caruana. |
¿Ahora a quién matamos? (2012, Lebanon). Directed by Abdelatif Gavrieli. | Somos serbios, querido (1998, Chile). Directed by Lucila Flores. | Tapalpa. (1968, Jalisco). Directed by Josefa Casas. |
Estábamos hechos una tarde. (2008, Cuba) Directed by Orlando Cabrera. | Los tenistas (1991, Italy) Directed by Rosella Gentile. | Nos han dado la tierra. (2006, Paraguay) Directed by Silvana Muro. |
Era de todos la noche (1986, Cuba) Directed by Enrique Carpentier. | Gringos, come home! (1965, United States) Produced by the Woodbury Brown Organization, Inc. | La partida (2006, Uruguay) Directed by Pablo Rocandio. |
El presente griego (2005, Nicaragua) Directed by Mathilde Jamet. | Di Great Insohreckshan (1996, Jamaica) Directed by Delores Bishop. | How the Universe Works (2011, Netherlands). Directed by S. Falcke. |
Danse, s'il vous plait (The price of success, 1989, France), Directed by Olivier Dercourt. | Pretty Thoughts (2014, Canada). Directed by Olivia McFarlane. | Pretty Thoughts (2014, Canada). Directed by Olivia McFarlane. |
Todos santos (2001, Guatemala). Directed by Aristarco Morán. | Mentre voi parlavate (While you were talking, 2010, Italy). Directed by Alba Cantini. | Mentre voi parlavate (While you were talking, 2010, Italy). Directed by Alba Cantini. |
ทุ่งนา (Rice Fields, 2015, Thailand). Directed by Sarocha Sripraiwan. | On dying of remorse (1983, UK). Directed by George August. | Alamar (2016, Colombia). Directed by Alejo Correa. |
Three contemporary Mexican visions
September 6, 2019. Tokyo.
Presentation of the fauxtograms during the round table Three contemporary Mexican visions with Alantl Molina, Ulises Castellanos and Joel Castel in the Mexican Space of the Mexican Embassy in Japan.
Photos: Mónica Molina
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